Friday, July 2, 2010

Why Would Anyone Want a Mockingbird?

I'm not the biggest fan of singing in front of people, but I've found out that I have one big fan...actually he's a pretty little fan.... I sing and he stops crying. Most of the time.

The only problem is that since I'm not much of a singer, I don't know many songs. When we first got home from the hospital, I got the tune of "Hush, Little Baby" stuck in my head. I only knew the first couple of lines so I sang them over and over. I finally went online and looked up the rest of the words. I found out that they're weird. How is it encouraging to go from a diamond ring to a looking glass? It seems like you're heading down hill on that one. And if my looking glass broke, how would a billy goat be an adequate replacement?

The only other lullaby I knew was "Rock-A-Bye Baby" and frankly, the lyrics to that one are kind of disturbing. It seems a little cruel to try to get your kid to sleep by telling them they might fall out of a tree. I try to stay away from that one.

I guess I could look up other songs, but the kid really seems to respond well to "Hush, Little Baby" so we'll stick with that one, odd as it may be. For him, I'll put my pride aside and sing my heart out. Over and over and over....

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